ever not seen someone for a really long time, like, not weeks, but years and years, then seen them again after forever, unsure if they will even remember you, and been so freaked out by seeing them again, or a picture, you like, freaked out? i just did. i found a couple of friends on FaceBook that i haven't seen since... 2/3 grade. since i was 7. wow. I'm all weirded out now. lol ^^;; that's so freaky. felt I'd post about that. XD
in other news, choir auditions were today, for next years choirs, went pretty well, i hit a crazy low note i didn't know i could hit, which was good, bad was that my mouth was so dry from being nervous that i couldn't hit any of the high notes, but thankfully Mr white knows that i can go higher than that. lol ^^ weird is that i managed to screw up the sight reading that was supposed to be easy, it was all quarter notes eight notes an half note scales, and i screwed it p, but i managed to do surprisingly well on the one that was supposed to be hard, i got through with only a couple slip-ups as far as i knew, and i even said that that was weird, i think i was just too nervous. i mean, come on, missing a Mi to Fa? really? its one note up! but i hit Ti to Re no problem. QUE??? i so confused. Lol XD fun fun.
anything special going on with you peeps? poor Shea has a washed ipod, Marly has mean parents sometimes, zz has a spacey, but all in all good times.
except that i had to do visitation this week, and we went to dinner with HER at panda express, on our little tag-along's suggestion. zz came with cuz Shea's parents were too mean to let her go. DX no fun. zz and Jim got into a soy sauce packet fight, throwing squishy packets across the table, and of course i got caught in the cross fire. lol XD it was fun though. lulz. XD
well there's my random day, enjoy that! that all did happen today BTW. XD just so you know. Busy day, huh? and all since 5 o'clock!
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