So it snowed today, It was pretty amazing. Now it didn't like... SNOW. like in Chicago or anything, it flurried a bit, but it was really beautiful and a well missed sight.
I was at lunch when it happened, Hanging out with JD, Chris, Robyn, and Donna. And Robyn suddenly shouted that it was sowing, and she bolted out the door, JD (who was not having the greatest day ever) Saw the snow and bolted out the door with this huge smile on his face, and Chris and i were like... We're coming... eventually. The Canadian and the Chicagoan were less pushy to go see snow. Dylan came out of her culinary class all excited and hopping up and down, JD was running around like a madman jumping up on tables, it was pretty amazing. I eventually after about 15 minutes after the bell decided i should go to class and began heading over, where i ran into Gerda Kinsey Rae and Stephanie outside the 900 building, and i was thwarted in my efforts to go to class. Eventually the snow slowed to a stop and it just became cold and i headed inside, 45 minutes late to class, and Dr. Fish didn't care because he had sent everyone outside to play anyways. I was in an amazing mood all day. =) Still am for that fact. <3
Friday, December 4, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Defying Gravity

So we were having a glee catchup marathon (Dad, Jim and I) and This song played, and i became completely enchanted with it. I'm sure you know that feeling like you know exactly what someone meant in the words they were writing and singing, and when someone sings it so perfectly, it hits you in such a way that you are just kindof stunned. this song did that to me. The lyrics hit that part of me that refuses to back down and conform to the regulations of society. The Glee version, it just slows it down just enough to work. i think it works much better as a slow song. I just love their voices and how they work together. Maybe it's silly to be talking so long on one song from a TV show. not even the original. the cover from a TV show about a glee club. I don't know, but it just resonated within me and i felt like writing. This song completely Enchanted me, I think I'm in love with a song. Well if that's love it comes at much too high a cost.
Something has changed within me
Something is not the same
I'm through with playing by the rules
Of someone else's game
Too late for second-guessing
Too late to go back to sleep
It's time to trust my instincts
Close my eyes: and leap!
It's time to try
Defying gravity
I think I'll try
Defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye
I am defying gravity
And you wont bring me down!
I'm through accepting limits
cause someone says they're so
Some things I cannot change
But till I try, I'll never know!
Too long I've been afraid of
Losing love I guess I've lost
Well, if that's love
It comes at much too high a cost!
I'd sooner buy
Defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye
I'm defying gravity
I think I'll try
Defying gravity
And you wont bring me down!
I'd sooner buy
Defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye
I'm defying gravity
I think I'll try
Defying gravity
And never bring me down!
bring me down!
ohh ohhh ohhhh!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sorry i haven't posted, i don't know if anyone still reads due to my lack of posting, but i figured i'd try to catch yall up. Yet again. >.<
So, I have decided i want to make a Junior year scrapbook, so expect picture attacks. =D
We had our halloween party saturday (nov. 7) night, and it was the most fun i've had in a long time (possibly since camp or when sam was here.) I had so many of my friends come down and see me, it was amazing. =D My bother and some peeps hid in the other room and shut the door cuz we were too loud, but the peeps and i who remained in the living room (most of us. XD) had the greatest time. Amidst the Hiders were Amanda, Jim, Jenny, John, and Sianne. Brandon, Marlena and Ashten Moved around. IN the bulk of us hanging out in the living room was Duncan, Gerda, Kinsey, Robert and his bro Austin, Dylan Kelly, Stephanie, Ben, Destry, and Their Friend Hunter. We were so loud and obnoxious but it was amazing fun times. We made fun of horror movies, took dumb pictures, dog-piled on marlena, Duncan stole my spot and wrestled with brandon, Marlena got a whip which duncan tried to steal and they ended up breaking it, All in all gooooood times. XD Sad face to those who didn't show up. >:( Afterwards i had a case of the Un-Awesomes, i sat there and stared at the ceiling because i knew nothing i could do would be that awesome. =) i had it all day sunday and monday too. >.< it was the greatest.
Before that i was working with SCARE for a CURE which is a Austin based volunteer haunted house, this year's theme was 'blood ritual' - Vampires. >:) i helped out in the gypsy camp out front amusing guests as they waited, Selling food and walking Dog-Boy. Sianne Joined me on Halloween after being ditched by Connor to go to a party. It was fun. =D I got one thing to say on that... BUTT PICTURES!! XD Lol. if you don't know you probably dont want to know. >XD
What to call me:
blood ritual,
junior year,
Low notes,
scare for a cure,
Sunday, August 2, 2009
I dunno what's going on. like, if the stars aligned in the exact wrong way for me or what, but i've had a pretty shitty night. in case people were wondering from my angry facebook posting, here's the shit that's making me mad today.
I had to help out a friend with her shit, and she was kinda helping me at the same time (which in itself doesn't make me angry, but some of the things she told me did).
then i had it out with ashten about taking to kira.
then, to make that fight completely pointless i got a message from Kira, now i'm duking it out with her.
then to top off my wonderful evening i found out what was wrong with Sam. my best friend's in the hospital. she passed out from pain due to an intestinal infection. i can't be there, as i'm an entire state away from her.
don't i just have the best of luck?
I had to help out a friend with her shit, and she was kinda helping me at the same time (which in itself doesn't make me angry, but some of the things she told me did).
then i had it out with ashten about taking to kira.
then, to make that fight completely pointless i got a message from Kira, now i'm duking it out with her.
then to top off my wonderful evening i found out what was wrong with Sam. my best friend's in the hospital. she passed out from pain due to an intestinal infection. i can't be there, as i'm an entire state away from her.
don't i just have the best of luck?
Saturday, August 1, 2009
PotterCamp, Ashten's Party
SO. I just got back last night from Harry Potter Camp, and it was Amazingly Awesome. XD lol Me and the other prefects were made of awesome.
we have a band now, the Hedwig's promises. Me, Ben, Nilsa, Francesca and Destry. XD it was full of awesome. we wrote 'living on a tiger' the best song Evrrrrrrrr. XD lol
I'll write more about Potter Camp later, when I'm not at Ashten's. =) but yeah.
Right now I'm at Ashten's for her birthday party. all 8 of us went to Austin's park and Pizza, it was Crazy. Me, Courtney, Ash, Marly, Shea, Jim, Chastity, Cassie. XD lolwe're made of Epic. it's Crazy. lol
Yeah. Lol. =)
we have a band now, the Hedwig's promises. Me, Ben, Nilsa, Francesca and Destry. XD it was full of awesome. we wrote 'living on a tiger' the best song Evrrrrrrrr. XD lol
I'll write more about Potter Camp later, when I'm not at Ashten's. =) but yeah.
Right now I'm at Ashten's for her birthday party. all 8 of us went to Austin's park and Pizza, it was Crazy. Me, Courtney, Ash, Marly, Shea, Jim, Chastity, Cassie. XD lolwe're made of Epic. it's Crazy. lol
Yeah. Lol. =)
Thursday, July 23, 2009

So today i went for a walk to think some things over and found a poor lost doggy. she was real skinny and walkin slow, like she was sore. i walked her back after calling a couple friends, and gave her some water and bread. she wouldn't drink and couldn't keep the bread in her mouth. she was wearing a tag for rabies shots and i called the number fr the animal care clinic on the tag. they told me her name was oreo and they called her owner. he didn't pick up. they told me they left him my number and he'd call me when he got it. Ashten told me to get some of the dog food from her garage, and she ate that right up. relieved, i walked her down frontier and back around to see if anyone was looking for her. no one was, discouraged i walked back home. i brought her back, she ate and drank. i was happy she was eating, she wasn't really sick or anything. after about twenty minutes sitting around i brought her into the back yard, and got a phone call. Charlie had gotten the message i had his dog, and was so relieved. he told me she was seventeen, blind, and deaf. he and his daughter had been worried sick about her. they picked her up, so glad to have her back. i think this teaches everyone a lesson, stray dogs aren't always stray or bad. give them a chance, sometimes you make someone very happy. =)
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Let it Rain
So, today i Sat around a lot, then my mother took jim and i to see Wolverine after dinner at friday's. i'd seen it before, so ya. "Your country needs you Logan." - "I'm Canadian."
My mother did call Caleb a girl though, that was amusing. =D i told on her too. >:D
But my Kitty Keeps attacking my keyboard. DX that's frustrating/amusing. I'm just worried he's gonna hurt the laptop... >.<
Anyway, most of the reason i posted is i think now if i can't think of something to post, but feel the need to post I'm gonna post either a line or a whole song that i wrote. =)
Here's one...
Just let it rain... Let it pour
Just lemme feel, somethin real.
let the rain pour down on me
wash away my Sanity
Cuz it's pouring outside, and I'm screaming Inside
I Just wanna Feel, Feel something real
Cuz the rain keeps fallin down
and i feel like i could drown
Nothin feels real, i want you here
i just don't want to be alone anymore.
All the color seeps from everything
without you here beside it's all black and white
i just want and i just need my friend
my one true forever
when you return it's like i was blind but now i See!
My one... True... Forever...
Blah, am i the only one who finds these really cheezy?
My mother did call Caleb a girl though, that was amusing. =D i told on her too. >:D
But my Kitty Keeps attacking my keyboard. DX that's frustrating/amusing. I'm just worried he's gonna hurt the laptop... >.<
Anyway, most of the reason i posted is i think now if i can't think of something to post, but feel the need to post I'm gonna post either a line or a whole song that i wrote. =)
Here's one...
Just let it rain... Let it pour
Just lemme feel, somethin real.
let the rain pour down on me
wash away my Sanity
Cuz it's pouring outside, and I'm screaming Inside
I Just wanna Feel, Feel something real
Cuz the rain keeps fallin down
and i feel like i could drown
Nothin feels real, i want you here
i just don't want to be alone anymore.
All the color seeps from everything
without you here beside it's all black and white
i just want and i just need my friend
my one true forever
when you return it's like i was blind but now i See!
My one... True... Forever...
Blah, am i the only one who finds these really cheezy?
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Lyrics | The Prize Fighter Inferno lyrics - Who Watches The Watchmen? lyrics
So, I have recently become rather obsessed with, i can't stop listening to it, thanks shea, so much. <3 you can pick whether that's sarcastic or not. O.o lol but yeah, turns out i do like Coheed and Cambria, but i rather refer Prize fighter inferno and Shabutie. is that odd?
What to call me:
coheed and Cambria,
the prize fighter Inferno,
who watches the watchmen
Friday, July 17, 2009
Our Odd Nicknames. XD

I Feel like writing these down so i don't forget them... The first collumn is our names, second is random nicknames, the third is Food. XD
In the pic is Amanda, Shea and Caleb =)
Me - Flower Child - Onigiri
Marly - Gay Man - Snozberry
Ashten - Biker Dyke - ??
Courtney - God - Cocoa
Sam - Capitan Rainbow - Cookie
Shea - Claudhopper - Butter/Cupcake
Dylan - Smoothie - Smoothie
Caleb - Cthulu - ??
Stephanie - Bumblebee - Honey
Jim - Pixie - Pixie Stick
Christian - Cloud - ??
Amanda - Wolfie - ??
Sarah - Rae - ??
Gabi - Hobotoesock - Frankenberry
It's prolly better not to ask, but if your curious comment on which you would like an explaination on and i'll try to explain. lol XD
Also if you read this an your name has a questionmark by the food category lemme know and we'll figure you out a food nickname, Marly and I decided those were needed. lol XD
Sadness, Love, Cats.
So Sammi Left this morning, i was rather depressed. lets just say she left at 5, i didn't sleep till 6.
While i was wallowing Ashten called and wanted me to come hang out with her and marly at the park, i didn't really care at the time, but it managed to cheer me up. we were there a couple hours, then back at ashten's, then i came back around four. around 6 i got a message from Caleb, talked to him through texts for quite a while, talked to courtney a bit in there too.
I Love my friends, i can't spend a Day upset, i get Bombarded. <3
In other News, Cats rule over humans for real.
While i was wallowing Ashten called and wanted me to come hang out with her and marly at the park, i didn't really care at the time, but it managed to cheer me up. we were there a couple hours, then back at ashten's, then i came back around four. around 6 i got a message from Caleb, talked to him through texts for quite a while, talked to courtney a bit in there too.
I Love my friends, i can't spend a Day upset, i get Bombarded. <3
In other News, Cats rule over humans for real.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Sammi Yay. =)
Hiya peeps, so Sammi is here, has been for about a week, and we've been so busy, i hadn't even been online at all until Friday. O.o
We've been up to all sorts of mischief, accompanied by Ashten for the majority of it. So far we've seen Marly, Ashy, and we're going to see Amanda and Audrey tomorrow. =) all good so far, we went to my mother's trailer park this weekend, no fun. Wednesday Mother took Me, My Bro, Sam and Ashy to Mel's Interstate Lanes to go bowling. =) We Came, We saw, We Sucked. =) I don't even think any of us cracked a hundred. lol. XD
So yeah, full of fun, just wanted to Update This here Blog and such. =) Let everybody (or the few who read this anyway) how things are going. lol =)
~Oni Out~
We've been up to all sorts of mischief, accompanied by Ashten for the majority of it. So far we've seen Marly, Ashy, and we're going to see Amanda and Audrey tomorrow. =) all good so far, we went to my mother's trailer park this weekend, no fun. Wednesday Mother took Me, My Bro, Sam and Ashy to Mel's Interstate Lanes to go bowling. =) We Came, We saw, We Sucked. =) I don't even think any of us cracked a hundred. lol. XD
So yeah, full of fun, just wanted to Update This here Blog and such. =) Let everybody (or the few who read this anyway) how things are going. lol =)
~Oni Out~
What to call me:
Hanging out,
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Sammi Visit!
So, tomorrow my best friend Sammi is coming in from louisiana to visit me, she's staying with me until the seventeenth of july, and it's going to be awesome. =D i'm really excited because i haven't seen her in forever. =) i dunno how much time i'll spend online, so just letting the peeps know. :D
Also, if you have interest in seeing her send me a message, i'll make sure somewhere in there i try to get you guys together. XD
<3 ya all, talk to you laters.
Also, if you have interest in seeing her send me a message, i'll make sure somewhere in there i try to get you guys together. XD
<3 ya all, talk to you laters.
What to call me:
17 seventeen,
Saturday, June 27, 2009
So while surfing i remembered something we did in english last year, and i looked up ( is a site that donates ten grains of rice for every question you answer. they have everything from vocab in various languages, to simple math and geography questions. it's fun and for a good cause, go check it out! i donated a thousand grains in twenty minutes, isn't that worth your time?
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Sorry i haven't posted in forever, i have been so crazy busy you have no idea. lets go through a rundown of the last few months and what I've been up to.
First: Finals. I Passed all of my finals, i got hundreds on Culinary, Choir and Geometry (le Gasp! i know! i didn't expect that, i failed the review. O.o). i got my year book very last day of school, had everybody who was there sign it, and those who weren't didn't of course. (Lookin at you Logan, Kira and Smoothie! if i see you guys again you can sign it then. =D)
Second: Vile. We've attended two Cons, Chimaeracon and Delta H Con. Chimaeracon was interesting, Agent Morti, Agent Dusk, Agent Sakari, Vile and I attended and ran the booth. Morti and I ran the Psychic Aptitude Test, we had our Psychic amplifier helmet to bring out any latent psychic abilities. Sadly most people were not psychic. our winner Was a kid named Hunter, he won a full watchmen Rorschach gift set. we were a bit understaffed, but alright. we all shared a hotel room and had breakfast at Denny's in full uniform Sunday morning. the looks we got were awesome.
Delta H Con was interesting as well, but in a different way. Agent Morti, Sakari, Dusk, and three new recruits as well as vile and myself attended, All three got promoted to Agents (congratulations Agent Gage). We were working with the con this time, some portion of that time was spent helping out the staff, in fact that is most of what dusk spent his time doing. Both Morti and Gage made their first recruitment's after some instruction, Gage took a while to get into it, but became a full fledged agent along the way.
Our Mischief was organized by agent Dusk, he bought a plush of Mokona Modoki from such manga as Magic Knight Rayearth, Tsubasa and XXX Holic, ( and cut him open, stuffing him with candy and a new recruit who ended up being our selection to lead the legion sewed him lightly back up, then dusk led a parade through the Con about how he stole from the master, and he must be punished, he was being put to death, and a very upset horde of fan girls joined our parade, more than once someone tried to steal the mokona, but our henchmen were too fast. he concluded his parade with a huge following, some wishing to send him down, some wanting to save him. vile spoke of his sentence and selected a few people to one at a time hit him like a pinata. thaat kindof backfired when one girl hit the stick dusk was holding and suspending him upon and slammed it into him, and another time when one new recruit, of all people, hit him off the stick and took off running with him. a crowd followed them trying to protect him, our henchmen trying to recover him, and luckily we were victorious and recovered him only for vile to proclaim it was time to take it to the next level. he threw him to the ground and on a count of three the crowd against the mokona leaped forward to stomp him until candy shot from him. Victorious, Vile returned to his booth to bask in a job well done.
Morti Gage and i were flooded with new recruits, most of which attended Vile's panel that evening. we were all except vile and Sakari who rented a hotel room, put up by the woman running the Con, it was hospitable and a good resting place for tired henchmen at three a.m.
More: Home craziness. i have been rather busy trying to get the house clean and in order for our guest, Sam in coming in from Louisiana to stay with me for about three weeks, i've been trying to get clean and such, it is harder than you'd think. you haven't seen my room, and if you have, well you know... I can't wait until Sam visits, it should be a lot of fun.
Even More: Corpus - Padre - Six Flags. So over the weekend my family (Uncle Bryan, Jim, my Dad and I) went down to corpus for a father's day weekend vacation. after a long drive we arrived at the hotel only to find out a football team had checked out late and our room wasn't ready. we went out to dinner at a place in Port Aransas (dad really wanted to go only because he's a geek and there was a king of the hill episode featured in port aransas). dad thought since it was a pirate themed restaurant, it wasn't nearly piratey enough. lol. we got back to our room, the door was broken. our keys cards didn't work. after sorting that out Jim went down to the pool to go swim and we put on Yes Man, only to get most of the way through and have the TV turn off randomly. after sorting the apparently broken TV we went to bed. next morning we got up around eleven to go to the USS Lexington, an aircraft carrier turned museum on the beach. it was pretty cool, Bry and Jim thought it was amazing, the High up over water and rickety stairs and such were my least favorite part of the whole trip, very un-fun when you have a fear of heights and can't swim. Monday we went to the aquarium (mostly for me lol) and saw a lot of fish, a dolphin show, otters. Dad got me a souvenir t-shirt with a picture and the name 'harry otter', a parody of harry potter (duh). after we went to the beach and i sunburned on my sunburn, my back still hurts, I'm bright red to the middle of my back, my neck, all down my arms, my face, and the top of my ears and head. it SUCKS. Tuesday we got up early and went to Six flags in San Antonio on the way home, it was Pretty fun, dad and i sat through one cool show and two rather painful shows, played some midway games, prizes were won. =D Jim became a roller coaster fan, he was not before. lol :) wet to sea island, and Came home only to find my Cat yowling and hungry, Ants had invaded my room while i was away and found his food. i guess ants didn't taste good. So, sunburned and tired i had to clean up enough to kill as many as i could, and fell asleep on the couch while jim put on the insisted goldmember movie.
so as you can see, i have been insanely busy, and i have neglected my blogging. Sorry... lol I'll post more, promise.
though, Sam's coming on Monday.. Hmm... Can't wait!@!!*! <3<3<3<3
Oni out!
First: Finals. I Passed all of my finals, i got hundreds on Culinary, Choir and Geometry (le Gasp! i know! i didn't expect that, i failed the review. O.o). i got my year book very last day of school, had everybody who was there sign it, and those who weren't didn't of course. (Lookin at you Logan, Kira and Smoothie! if i see you guys again you can sign it then. =D)
Second: Vile. We've attended two Cons, Chimaeracon and Delta H Con. Chimaeracon was interesting, Agent Morti, Agent Dusk, Agent Sakari, Vile and I attended and ran the booth. Morti and I ran the Psychic Aptitude Test, we had our Psychic amplifier helmet to bring out any latent psychic abilities. Sadly most people were not psychic. our winner Was a kid named Hunter, he won a full watchmen Rorschach gift set. we were a bit understaffed, but alright. we all shared a hotel room and had breakfast at Denny's in full uniform Sunday morning. the looks we got were awesome.
Delta H Con was interesting as well, but in a different way. Agent Morti, Sakari, Dusk, and three new recruits as well as vile and myself attended, All three got promoted to Agents (congratulations Agent Gage). We were working with the con this time, some portion of that time was spent helping out the staff, in fact that is most of what dusk spent his time doing. Both Morti and Gage made their first recruitment's after some instruction, Gage took a while to get into it, but became a full fledged agent along the way.
Our Mischief was organized by agent Dusk, he bought a plush of Mokona Modoki from such manga as Magic Knight Rayearth, Tsubasa and XXX Holic, ( and cut him open, stuffing him with candy and a new recruit who ended up being our selection to lead the legion sewed him lightly back up, then dusk led a parade through the Con about how he stole from the master, and he must be punished, he was being put to death, and a very upset horde of fan girls joined our parade, more than once someone tried to steal the mokona, but our henchmen were too fast. he concluded his parade with a huge following, some wishing to send him down, some wanting to save him. vile spoke of his sentence and selected a few people to one at a time hit him like a pinata. thaat kindof backfired when one girl hit the stick dusk was holding and suspending him upon and slammed it into him, and another time when one new recruit, of all people, hit him off the stick and took off running with him. a crowd followed them trying to protect him, our henchmen trying to recover him, and luckily we were victorious and recovered him only for vile to proclaim it was time to take it to the next level. he threw him to the ground and on a count of three the crowd against the mokona leaped forward to stomp him until candy shot from him. Victorious, Vile returned to his booth to bask in a job well done.
Morti Gage and i were flooded with new recruits, most of which attended Vile's panel that evening. we were all except vile and Sakari who rented a hotel room, put up by the woman running the Con, it was hospitable and a good resting place for tired henchmen at three a.m.
More: Home craziness. i have been rather busy trying to get the house clean and in order for our guest, Sam in coming in from Louisiana to stay with me for about three weeks, i've been trying to get clean and such, it is harder than you'd think. you haven't seen my room, and if you have, well you know... I can't wait until Sam visits, it should be a lot of fun.
Even More: Corpus - Padre - Six Flags. So over the weekend my family (Uncle Bryan, Jim, my Dad and I) went down to corpus for a father's day weekend vacation. after a long drive we arrived at the hotel only to find out a football team had checked out late and our room wasn't ready. we went out to dinner at a place in Port Aransas (dad really wanted to go only because he's a geek and there was a king of the hill episode featured in port aransas). dad thought since it was a pirate themed restaurant, it wasn't nearly piratey enough. lol. we got back to our room, the door was broken. our keys cards didn't work. after sorting that out Jim went down to the pool to go swim and we put on Yes Man, only to get most of the way through and have the TV turn off randomly. after sorting the apparently broken TV we went to bed. next morning we got up around eleven to go to the USS Lexington, an aircraft carrier turned museum on the beach. it was pretty cool, Bry and Jim thought it was amazing, the High up over water and rickety stairs and such were my least favorite part of the whole trip, very un-fun when you have a fear of heights and can't swim. Monday we went to the aquarium (mostly for me lol) and saw a lot of fish, a dolphin show, otters. Dad got me a souvenir t-shirt with a picture and the name 'harry otter', a parody of harry potter (duh). after we went to the beach and i sunburned on my sunburn, my back still hurts, I'm bright red to the middle of my back, my neck, all down my arms, my face, and the top of my ears and head. it SUCKS. Tuesday we got up early and went to Six flags in San Antonio on the way home, it was Pretty fun, dad and i sat through one cool show and two rather painful shows, played some midway games, prizes were won. =D Jim became a roller coaster fan, he was not before. lol :) wet to sea island, and Came home only to find my Cat yowling and hungry, Ants had invaded my room while i was away and found his food. i guess ants didn't taste good. So, sunburned and tired i had to clean up enough to kill as many as i could, and fell asleep on the couch while jim put on the insisted goldmember movie.
so as you can see, i have been insanely busy, and i have neglected my blogging. Sorry... lol I'll post more, promise.
though, Sam's coming on Monday.. Hmm... Can't wait!@!!*! <3<3<3<3
Oni out!
What to call me:
corpus christi,
delta h con,
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Flashback (what a feeling)

ever not seen someone for a really long time, like, not weeks, but years and years, then seen them again after forever, unsure if they will even remember you, and been so freaked out by seeing them again, or a picture, you like, freaked out? i just did. i found a couple of friends on FaceBook that i haven't seen since... 2/3 grade. since i was 7. wow. I'm all weirded out now. lol ^^;; that's so freaky. felt I'd post about that. XD
in other news, choir auditions were today, for next years choirs, went pretty well, i hit a crazy low note i didn't know i could hit, which was good, bad was that my mouth was so dry from being nervous that i couldn't hit any of the high notes, but thankfully Mr white knows that i can go higher than that. lol ^^ weird is that i managed to screw up the sight reading that was supposed to be easy, it was all quarter notes eight notes an half note scales, and i screwed it p, but i managed to do surprisingly well on the one that was supposed to be hard, i got through with only a couple slip-ups as far as i knew, and i even said that that was weird, i think i was just too nervous. i mean, come on, missing a Mi to Fa? really? its one note up! but i hit Ti to Re no problem. QUE??? i so confused. Lol XD fun fun.
anything special going on with you peeps? poor Shea has a washed ipod, Marly has mean parents sometimes, zz has a spacey, but all in all good times.
except that i had to do visitation this week, and we went to dinner with HER at panda express, on our little tag-along's suggestion. zz came with cuz Shea's parents were too mean to let her go. DX no fun. zz and Jim got into a soy sauce packet fight, throwing squishy packets across the table, and of course i got caught in the cross fire. lol XD it was fun though. lulz. XD
well there's my random day, enjoy that! that all did happen today BTW. XD just so you know. Busy day, huh? and all since 5 o'clock!
Thursday, March 26, 2009

I'm 16 as of an hour and 18 minutes ago, not too much different yet. maybe in the morning. i still have school tomorrow so i'm going to bed. ^^ wish me happy B-day! XD
and ya, that pic is before i cut my hair. XD lol
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG my birthday is tomorrow!! XDXDXD i'm excited. XD i'm going to school, duh, then to dinner and to see monsters versus aliens with my fam. XD should be fun, then my party is saturday, i'ms havin a rockband party. XD fun fun. lol
Monday, March 23, 2009
So, Taylor is Shea's 'friend' (more...?) and he and i were chatting on Facebook and he said he had an early birthday present for me, since my birthday is on FRIDAY WOOOO... anyways i clicked the link he sent me, and i totally got rickrolled, but see the problem was that it wouldn't effing close, it kept popping up windows, and even Firefox wouldn't quit. i ended up turning off the computer. if anyone sees this link i believe it was, don't click it, it rickrolls you, its lame. >.< I WARN YOU DO NOT
What to call me:
rick rolled,
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Greatest song ever, so hard to sing because its swedish, but i'm determined. XD lol
Caramell - Caramelldansen lyrics
Doodo doo-oo
Vi undrarar ni redo alt vara med
Armarna upp nu ska ni fa se
Kom igjen
Hvem som helst kan vara med
So ror pa era fotter
Och vicka era hofter
Gjör som vi
Till denna melodi
Dansa med oss
Klappa era händer
Gjör som vi gjör
Ta nagrå steg at vanster
Lyssna och lar
Missa inte chansen
Nu ar vi har med
O-o-oa-oa - ao
O-o-oa-oa - ao
Det blir en sensation over alt forstås
Pa fester kommer alla att slappa loss
Kom igjen
Nu tar vi stegen omigjen
Så rør pa era fötter
Och vricka era höfter
Gor som vi
Til denna melodi
Så kom och
Dansa med oss
Klappa era händer
Gjör so vi gjör
Tå några steg at vänster
Lyssna och lar
Miss inte chansen
Nu ar vi har med Caramelldansen!
Dansa med oss
Klappa era händer
Gjör so vi gjör
Ta negra steg at vänster
Lyssna och lar
Miss inte chansen
Nu ar vi har med Caramelldansen!
O-o-oa-oa - ao
O-o-oa-oa - ao
Så kom och
Dansa med oss
Klappa era hander
Gjör so vi gjör
Tå några steg at vanster
Lyssna och lar
Miss inte chansen
Nu ar vi har med Caramelldansen!
Dansa med oss
Klappa era händer
Gjör so vi gjör
Ta några steg at vanster
Lyssna och lar
Miss inte chansen
Nu ar vi har med CarameldDansen!
Lyrics | Caramell lyrics - Caramelldansen lyrics
What to call me:
Friday, March 20, 2009
Missing you already
Found out today that Ashten, my fishy friend, isn't coming back from her spring break visit to east texas. >.< we'll miss you Ashy! T-T stupid parents...
In other news, my birthday is in less than a week. sweet 16, here i come! (i'm so not ready to be 16, who am i kidding? where did the last 2 years go?)
In other news, my birthday is in less than a week. sweet 16, here i come! (i'm so not ready to be 16, who am i kidding? where did the last 2 years go?)
Hullo all
Hi! I'm Onigiri. I'm a high school student living in Round Rock Texas. I felt like starting a new blog, i have an old one at but i guess i just felt like a new one. XD
So, not too much to talk about right now, but i'm just posting to start off, so signing off!
So, not too much to talk about right now, but i'm just posting to start off, so signing off!
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