So today i went for a walk to think some things over and found a poor lost doggy. she was real skinny and walkin slow, like she was sore. i walked her back after calling a couple friends, and gave her some water and bread. she wouldn't drink and couldn't keep the bread in her mouth. she was wearing a tag for rabies shots and i called the number fr the animal care clinic on the tag. they told me her name was oreo and they called her owner. he didn't pick up. they told me they left him my number and he'd call me when he got it. Ashten told me to get some of the dog food from her garage, and she ate that right up. relieved, i walked her down frontier and back around to see if anyone was looking for her. no one was, discouraged i walked back home. i brought her back, she ate and drank. i was happy she was eating, she wasn't really sick or anything. after about twenty minutes sitting around i brought her into the back yard, and got a phone call. Charlie had gotten the message i had his dog, and was so relieved. he told me she was seventeen, blind, and deaf. he and his daughter had been worried sick about her. they picked her up, so glad to have her back. i think this teaches everyone a lesson, stray dogs aren't always stray or bad. give them a chance, sometimes you make someone very happy. =)